Speed Settings Setup

This manual describes setting up the Rapid Rate (G0) and the Feed Rate (G1/G2/G3) in the Custom Machine Settings.

Upon opening the Custom Machine Settings, you are presented with the following window:

The rates are set in mm/min, and are useful if the hardware setup requires a different feed rate for cutting versus a rapid rate used primarily for movement. The values set here are default values for G0 and G1/G2/G3 and can also be changed through setting the speed to an Fxxx value manually either in the MDI mode or in the G Code program that the machine will be executing.

If a different value for the Feed Rate or the Rapid rate has been inputted by either of these methods, it is important to note that the behaviour for the two default rates is different. If a

G0 Fxxx

command is issued in one line of the program code, the Rapid Rate of the machine will change back to the default Rapid Rate as set in the Custom Machine Settings window.

However, for the Feed Rate (G1/G2/G3), if a

G1 Fxxx

command is issued, the feed rate will persist to be at Fxxx in the following lines of code. This is done to keep the cutting speed of the machine at a consistent rate.