Table of Contents

Console commands

The following console commands can be used for programming, reflashing of configuring the myCNC controller. The controller should be connected to PC through a USB-slave connector.

Serial connection is used with parameters 115200 8N1.

Command format Command description Examples
#SLE {A} Possible value for {A} is 0,1
[S]et [L]AN [E]nable – turn on/off LAN/Ethernet interface.
Automatically save settings in flash memory. Change will take effect after restart the driver.
{A} – “1” LAN enable{A} – “0” LAN disable
#SLE 0 turns LAN interface off
#SLE 1 turns LAN interface on
#SLA {A} {B} {C} {D} Possible value for {ABCD} are 0…255
[S]et [L]AN [A]ddress – set LAN/Ethernet address of the board as given values
ABCD:IP Addr ={A}.{B}.{C}.{D}
Automatically save settings in flash memory. Change will take effect after restart the driver
#SLA 192 168 4 78 sets IP address to
#SL1 {A} {B} {C} {D} {E} {F} Set the MAC address, ABCDEF values are in range of 0…255 #SL1 01 02 03 04 05 06 sets the MAC address to 01:02:03:04:05:06
