Network Setup

A video on network troubleshooting is available here:

The Network Setup manual is designed to help the user set up the connection with the controller. Upon opening the Network tab, you are presented with the following window:

NOTE: The controller IP address MUST be located in the same local network as the LAN connection to the host computer (for example, and - note the 4 in the third octet). However, this address must also be unique to clearly indicate to the host computer where it should send commands to.

The default IP address for most myCNC boards is For certain older boards (typically purchased before 2017), this default IP address may be different, usually being Note that if that is the case, the host computer connection is then also required to have a 0 in the third octet.

NOTE: If you do not know the IP of the board, or if you want to change it, please consult the Change IP Address of myCNC control board network manual.