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Independent Axis ("AxisPlus")

FIXME Article under construction (Feb 22 2024).

The AxisPlus settings window allows the user to utilize an additional independent axis using a myCNC controller to our software. Such an additional axis can be controlled simultaneously with (and independently of) the main program - this includes manual movements, MPG control and positioning instructions from within PLC commands.

This functionality useful for applications such as grinding machines, laser cutting (to have a Z-axis with tracking and positioning simultaneous with regular program execution), oxy-fuel cutting (piercing operations with simultaneous XY movement), and others.

AxisPlus settings for the Height and Focus axes are available in Settings > Config > Axes/Motors > AxisPlus:

Motors for axis H (height) and F (focus) must be attached in Settings > Config > Axes/Motors:

These settings allow the operator to:

(Note that the above configuration is an example only, real assignments for motors/axes will likely be different depending on the specific machine and setup).


Note that after a reset has been performed, the soft limits are activated to the be equal to the current position. This is done to prevent movement in any direction for safety reasons. The software limit lock can be released by utilizing register 8522 (described in the table below). The recommended way to release the software limit lock is by running the homing procedure.

The code below is for M133 Automatic Z-axis Homing procedure:

#include pins.h
  gvarset(5521,1); //Ignore Hard Limits
  gvarset(8522,999999); //Reset Soft Limits
  speed=gvarget(8044); //IHC_SPEED
  p=gvarget(8045);	//SLOW_SPEED
  gvarset(8341,speed); //Set Jog Speed
  gvarset(8342,20);       //Set Jog Acceleration time 20ms = 0.02s
  gvarset(8340,1);	//Jog Z+ 
  do  {  sens=portget(INPUT_HOME_Z);  }while(sens==0); //move up till pressed
  gvarset(8341,speed);  //Set Jog Speed
  gvarset(8342,20);        //Set Jog Acceleration time 
  gvarset(8340,0-1);      //Jog Z-, Slow speed
  do {  sens=portget(INPUT_HOME_Z);  }while(sens!=0); //move down till released
  gvarset(8340,0); //stop
  gvarset(8523,0); //AxisPlus Set MAX POS
  gvarset(8522,0); //Set WORK ZERO(0)
  gvarset(8524,0-5750); //AxisPlus Set MIN POS

The code below shows the M143 (Manual Z-axis Homing) procedure:

  if (eparam==0)
    gvarset(5521,1); //Ignore Hard Limits
    gvarset(8523,0); //AxisPlus Set MAX POS
    gvarset(8524,0-5750); //AxisPlus Set MIN POS
  gvarset(5521,1); //Ignore Hard Limits
  gvarset(8523,0); //AxisPlus Set MAX POS
  gvarset(8524,0-5750); //AxisPlus Set MIN POS
  gvarset(8522,999999); //Reset Soft Limits (RELEASE Z AXIS)

Hardware Pendant settings window

Independent axis control can be enabled via the Hard Pendant settings window (as of myCNC v.1.88.4494).

:!: NOTE: Pendant settings should be enabled if you'd like to utilize controller inputs as buttons for movement control. When an input assigned to a Hardware Pendant button is ON (meaning that the button has been pressed), the machine will move in +X (YZ), and when the button is released, the machine will stop.

For this reason, it's not recommended to utilize the inputs specified in the Hard Pendant settings window for other additional purposes to avoid conflicts.

To enable:

To set the speed and acceleration for the independent axis, first head into Settings > Config > Axes/Motors > AxisPlus:

The units used are based on AxisPlus setting. Changing speed is done via writing to global variable 8341 (as shown in the code examples below). Instead of an acceleration value, an acceleration time is set in milliseconds:

gvarset(8342,100); //acceleration time 100ms = 0.1s

Jog control

Register Access Description
8341 Write Set Jog Speed, [pulses/s]
8342 Write Set Jog Acceleration, [1000* pulses/s2]
8340 Write Start/Stop Jog
“ 1” - Jog in positive direction
“-1” - Jog in negative direction
“ 0” - Jog Stop
8343 Write Set Soft Limit - (Minus)
8344 Write Set Soft Limit + (Plus)

Position command (PLC)

Register Access Description
8330 Write Set Positioning Speed, [pulses/s]
8331 Write Set Positioning Acceleration Time, [msec]
8332 Read Get AxisPlus State
reading this register returns current state of the AxisPlus controller
“0” - Idle state
“1” - Positioning in action

Set Coordinate (PLC)

Register Access Description
9717 Write Set Machine coordinate for AxisPlus, [pulses]

Other Global Variables

GVAR_CURRENT_AXPLUS_POSITION 5036 Current AxisPlus position coordinate
GVAR_CURRENT_FOCUS_POSITION 5037 Current Focus axis position coordinate
GVAR_FOCUS_STEP_PER_UNIT 8491 Step per unit value for the independent Focus axis
GVAR_FOCUS_G0_SPEED 8492 Focus axis - G0 speed
GVAR_FOCUS_MSPEED 8494 Jog (manual) speed
GVAR_FOCUS_MTIME 8495 Time to accelerate to jog (manual) speed, in ms
GVAR_AXPLUS_WPOSITION 8514 Get work position
GVAR_AXPLUS_SET_ZERO 8522 Writing 999999 to this register will reset the soft limits. Otherwise this allows to set a coordinate to a given value (in units of 1000 >1.000)
GVAR_AXPLUS_SET_MAX_POS 8523 If the value of this register is equal to zero, then current position is taken as the maximum position for the axis
GVAR_AXPLUS_SET_MIN_POS 8524 If the value of this register is equal to zero, then current position is taken as the minimum position for the axis
GVAR_AXPLUS_MPOSITION 8526 Get machine position
GVAR_AXPLUS_JOGSPEED 8060 AxisPlus Jog Speed for the on-screen elements (as well as Page up/down button motion, pendant motion, etc)
GVAR_AXPLUS_DRO_SPEED 8701 AxisPlus speed display
GVAR_AXPLUS_DRO_DIR 8702 AxisPlus movement direction (1 for positive, -1 for negative, 0 for stationary). Can be used for LED indicators.
GVAR_FOCUS_DRO_SPEED 8711 Focus axis speed display
GVAR_FOCUS_DRO_DIR 8712 Focus axis movement direction (1 for positive, -1 for negative, 0 for stationary). Can be used for LED indicators.

A procedure “g0moveA()” is used to run AxisPlus positioning. A mask “0x1000” is used for AxisPlus

Code Example

 gvarset(8330,40000);  //G0PLUS SPEED - 40kHz pulses
 gvarset(8331,500);    //G0Plus Time (Acceleration) - 0.5sec acceleration time

 g0moveA(0x0,0x1000,8000);           //Axis Plus - move 8000 pulses
 do{ a=gvarget(8332); }while(a!=0);  //Wait in a loop till motion is finished

 g0moveA(0x0,0x1000,0-8000);         //Axis Plus - move 8000 pulses in negative direction
 do{ a=gvarget(8332); }while(a!=0);  //Wait in a loop till motion is finished

Motion can be done via the global variable #8340, like in the following code:

 gvarset(8342,100); //acceleration time 100ms = 0.1s       
 gvarset(8341,3000); //jog speed                
 gvarset(8340,1); //JOG + direction     
 do {  timer--; 
     if ((timer&0xff)==0)  {    gvarset(8340,1);   }; 
     //repeat jog command every 0.256 sec to reset WatchDog. 
     //If no repeat command, jog will be stopped after about 0.8 sec   
 gvarset(8340,0-1); //JOG - direction               
 timer=2000;  do {  timer--;
 if ((timer&0xff)==0)  {    gvarset(8340,0-1);   }; 
 //repeat jog command every 0.256 sec to reset WatchDog. 
 //If no repeat command, jog will be stopped after about 0.8 sec      

The above code results in a 2 seconds long motion in the positive direction, which is then followed by a 2 seconds long motion in the negative direction. The axis motion is done at a speed of 3m/min with an acceleration set to be 0.1 seconds long.

Focus axis

The Focus axis is similar to AxisPlus (for development purposes, the goal is to achieve parity between both of these independent axes). A number of Focus axis settings are available in the Technology → Laser Control tab:

Plasma cutting

The following settings are available for plasma cutting control in certain myCNC profiles (such as U1366P as of August 2022):

THC Control

THC control through the independent axis allows for two simultaneous THC systems to function for two different axes on the same machine. The following variables are used for THC control with the independent axis:

9795 Independent axis - THC low speed percentage
9796 Independent axis - THC OFF arc radius
9797 Independent axis - THC max speed

Arc control

The following variables are used for arc slow control with the independent axis:

9790 Arcs slow control
7609 Arcs slow percentage (same gvariable as for typical Arc Control)
9791 Arcs slow diameter

Read more about arc slow control in general here: MyCNC Configuration Dialogs - Plasma Settings

PLC Examples


The M71 PLC looks the following way:

Show M71 code

It includes the func_ihc_plus.h that is specifically designed for AxisPlus applications. That, in turn includes the following code blocks:







The M74 (end cutting) command contains the following code:

Show M74 code

Here, it is the do_lift_after_cut section that contains the relevant AxisPlus components:



M133 also features AxisPlus functionality with the global variables listed above:

Show M133 code

Overall, the AxisPlus/Focus axes allow for the following advantages for laser/plasma cutting setups:

Switching between AxisPlus and regular Z-axis

The following table lists the items that need to be switched within the myCNC software and the profile to change between the regular Z-axis control and AxisPlus (for instance, on a plasma setup):

Settings Regular AxisPlus
Config → Axes/Motors Axes/Motors in settings - set to Z Axes/Motors in settings - set to H
Homing Uses the standard macro (described here) Homing done via a custom PLC, regular homing macro must be DISABLED. See “Homing” section above.
Current Z-axis coordinate display display-machine-pos-axis-2 display-cnc-gvariable-5036