Table of Contents

MyCNC Configuration Dialogs

NOTE: A more compact version of this manual is available here, for ease of topic navigation.


The main axes-motors parameters can be configured in the settings by going to CNC Settings > Axes/Motors


For Dual axis configuration just attach one axis simultaneously 
to two (or more) motor outputs. For example, in the picture above,
Motor outputs #0 and #1 are used for X-axis. Inversion is selected 
for Output #1, so both motors connected to Output#0 and Output#1 
will be rotated simultaneously, but in the opposite direction



myCNC software supports a number of Alarm inputs.

Any of myCNC controller binary input can be programmed as Alarm input. Alarm inputs setup is available in Alarms configuration dialog. In the dialog -

MyCNC software has different Handlers for each Alarm.

The following alarms are available:

A full manual on the topic is available here: alarms

Emergency Button

If Emergency button Alarm is triggered, the myCNC software stops running any Motion program or Jogging and Run PLC Handler for Emergency alarm - “EST.plc” PLC procedure.

When Emergency is triggered via the Emergency Stop button press, the execution of the control program stops automatically. At this point the “EST” Hardware PLC is started, with some predefined actions that will be performed (this can range from turning off the power supply, servo control, turning off the spindle, etc).

The user can define any behaviour or action for Emergency Stop event such as:

PLC procedure “EST.plc” is available in PLC Builder/Hardware PLC. After editing the PLC procedure, press the “Save All”, “Build All” and “Send” buttons for the changes to take effect:

If Emergency button is activated, all further Job running, or jogging will be locked. An “Emergency button pressed” message will be shown on the main screen and in the Log window:

To configure the input port that will be assigned to the Emergency Stop button, please enter the necessary port value in Settings > Config > Inputs/Outputs/Sensors > Alarms. An example of Emergency button configuration is shown in the picture below:


A more flexible alarm system, currently under development.

This setting is recommended for users with unconventional cutting setups (such as complex plasma cutting machines with multiple sensors).

X-alarms allow to select the Input Number, the Type of input (normally open or closed), the process that the alarm triggering will be blocking (jog, job, PLC, or a combination of the three), as well as the Hardware/Software PLC Handlers which are summoned whenever the alarm is triggered. Due to being able to create unique PLC procedures, this alarm system can be customized to a much higher degree than the current alarm system which mostly deals with simple use cases.

As the system is currently under development, not all features are yet present or will behave correctly. Stay tuned for further updates.


To configure the software limits:

It is also possible to reduce the jog speed near the limits to prevent an abrupt stop when the limit is reached by the machine. If the operator moves the machine towards the software limit, the jog speed will be reduced beginning at a set distance from limit to a given value (in % of normal jog speed). To enable this option:

For example:

Slow distance = 50, Slow value= 20%

If the operator moves the machine towards the software limit and distance to the limit is less than 50mm, jog speed will be 5 times less than the normal jog speed (20%)

Slow distance = 10, Slow value= 100%

No reduction in speed (because the slow jog value is 100% of the regular jog speed)

Besides having general software limits, hardware limits can also be configured in myCNC software. This is done by using a switch for the negative and positive direction of each axis which can be reserved within the myCNC software. Any switch can be enabled, and then assigned to any of CNC control board binary input and configured as “Normally Open” or “Normally Closed”. To enable the hardware limits for any selected axis:


Triggers allow the software to interpret the sensor data depending on the sensor behaviour or the current position in the control program.

The settings that can be assigned to the triggers are the following:

Timers serve as a way to use the controller rather than the computer for timing tasks. The following settings can be specified:

MPG through binary inputs

These settings allow the user to set up the manual pulse generator behaviour.

The following settings can be modified:

As the ET10 controller has dedicated input ports for manual pulse generators, it is not needed to specify 2 different ports but rather one dedicated encoder port number for an ET10 setup.

NOTE: The ET7 controller has the two encoder slots reserved for the ET7 keyboard panel. These are permanently assigned to inputs #16, #17, #18, and #19, and changes in the Config window will not override this preset. If encoder slots are to be used on an ET7 board, the latter two are recommended. This setting is not present on the ET6/ET10/ET15 boards, where encoders 0-3 can be all used.

NOTE #2: The ET10 controller can utilize inputs 0-31 for its binary inputs for an encoder setup. IN32-39 are reserved and are not suited for binary input configurations with an MPG wheel etc.

The full MPG though binary inputs manual is available here.

Jog through ADC inputs

This function is useful to set up a joystick in order to regulate the speed at which the machine's working tool moves through analog means, allowing for more granular controls.

In order to do so, go to CNC Settings > Config > Inputs/Outputs/Sensors > Jog through ADC inputs. The following screen will be presented to you:

On this screen, we can set up the joystick inputs to adhere to the physical configuration and specifications of the joystick.

After connecting the joystick to the ADC ports of the controller, we can open the System Diagnostics window to check the actual ADC inputs.

While on the system diagnostics screen, move the joystick around to check which axis corresponds to which ADC input channel. In this example, ADC2 corresponds to the y-axis, while ADC3 corresponds to the x-axis movements of the joystick. These values are inputted back on the Settings screen:

NOTE: If the axes for the joystick need to be inverted for any reason, this can be done in Settings > Config > Hardware > Common Hardware Settings

By moving the joystick the furthest it can go in all directions and noting the maximum and the minimum values, those can be set as the Max and Min range in settings. In this example, the joystick Min Range is equal to roughly 430 for both the x- and y-axis inputs, and is around 3820 for the Max Range of the x-axis and 3830 for the Max Range of the y-axis:

The Dead Zone is set to be from 2100 to 2150 for the joystick used in this example, as this is taken to be the zero position by letting the joystick return to its center. This value has a range so that small accidental movements of the joystick do not trigger the movement of the machine:

As this joystick does not drop to zero for its minimum range of inputs, it allows us to set up a failsafe in case the joystick is accidentally unplugged. In order to do so, both checkmarks for the Ignore Zero and the Ignore Max have been switched to green, and the Min Alarm and Max Alarm have been set to be slightly outside the Min and Max Ranges (however, the Min Alarm is ALWAYS set to be above zero in this case):

NOTE: Not all joystick controllers allow to set the failsafe Min Alarm properly.
Please consult your joystick manual to find out if the input values do not drop to zero
so that the failsafe can be set up correctly.

The full settings window then looks as follows:

I/O Expand cards mapping

This window is part of the Modbus devices settings. Please consult the Modbus Setup article for a full overview of the options available.

The following options are available for the mapping devices:

ADC mapping

A full manual on the subject is available on the ADC Mapping page.

The following settings are available to the user:

Please consult the full ADC Mapping manual for setup examples.


The connection settings window allows the user to create a connection between some input and some output, effectively binding some input to some response from the controller. Such a setup is useful to create a connection between, for example, turning the dial on an encoder and a change in the feed rate.

The connections tab outlines:

The connection source is chosen based on the input that the user has selected (potentiometer for ADC, Encoder, etc). The connection destination specifies the designated input for that parameter (the number of the ADC input port, the encoder number, etc). The destination can again be chosen from a list of possible options, however Item is the one used frequently in order to make some changes in the myCNC software after some input has been received by the controller. The destination parameter will then specify the particular output that the connection will have. The ratio value K specifies the conversion factor which will be used to convert the input (input multiplied by K), while K0 specifies the shift in input (field usually left to be blank).

As part of the connection dialog setup, the Rotary encoder connection and setup manual goes in depth about the encoder settings and connection information. An abbreviated list of Items is available in the Common Items List.


The Network tab is designed to help the user set up the connection with the controller. Upon opening the tab, you are presented with the following window:


Upon opening the Motion tab in Settings, you are presented with the following window:

The following settings can be edited in the Motion tab:

NOTE: The ET6, ET7 and ET10 myCNC motion controllers have a typical overspeed range from 1% (low bound) to 125% (high bound). Setting overspeed to a value higher than 125% may lead to performance issues. config-motion-002-overspeed.jpg


Hardware PLC

This list presents the available hardware PLC macros, with the ability to add, delete and edit the individual macros as required. After editing the hardware PLC, remember to press the Build All, Save All and Send buttons for the changes to take effect.

Hardware PLC Templates

This list presents the available templates that are commonly used in some CNC setups, including macros such as Emergency Stop Handler, the CNC Vision camera macros for finding the registration marks, etc. This page allows the user to load the commonly used macros into the myCNC Hardware PLC list even if the original macros have been changed/removed.

Hardware PLC: XML configs

XML configs list currently consists of the plc-config.xml file which serves to connect the macros and the screen elements for these macros by assigning and storing proper variable names. This file should not be edited unless strictly necessary.

PLC Configuration

The PLC configuration window allows the user to switch to an old-style precompiled ROMFS PLC disk if necessary instead of the more recent Internal PLC Builder setup.

Software PLC

The Software PLC list consists of the PLC macros such as the Oil Change Counter and the Popup Handler which are done on the software side, rather than the hardware side. These Software PLC commands typically consist of items which are less time-critical, but require a continuous timer (like the oil change counter), or items which are loaded once the software is started/existed (HANDLER_INIT and HANDLER_EXIT).

G-codes settings

The G-code settings allow the user to fine-tune the preferences for g-code operations.

DXF import settings

The DXF import settings window looks as follows:

Macro List

The macro list consists of a list of macro commands (for example, the macro commands related to sensors and homing, etc).

Macro Wizard

The macro wizard allows the user to generate macros for actions such as homing and tool measure. The available macro generating windows are described below.


Homing settings are available for all the potential axes that are used by the myCNC software (X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, V), as well as the XY-plane.

In order to set up homing, the following settings are available:

For a full guide on homing, please consult the QuickStart Homing Manual.

Gantry Alignment

The gantry alignment macro allows the user to generate a macro for dual motor gantry alignment.

Several methods of gantry alignment can be used. By default, the method with two side sensors to move both motors will be set through this config window, however, more methods which can be set up through PLC can be found in the full Gantry Alignment manual.

The following settings are available in the default alignment method:

Back to Path

This window generates the back-to-path macro which will later be used to go back to the working path when the machine is stopped/started back up again. Typically, the back to path settings are used by plasma machines, while the Start/Stop On Start are used by mill machines, despite the similarities for the both processes.

The following settings are available:

Surface Measure

The surface measure config window allows the user to generate a macro which will be then used to check the zero value for the z axis. This is useful when using a sensor on top of a sheet(s) of working material.

The following settings are available for macro generation:

The macro generated during the surface measure setup includes the M89 command which will check if the sensor has been triggered and will then subsequently lift the probing tool up. However, this macro will not trigger if the sensor has already been pressed before running the command (for example, if the operator has set the probe too low and the sensor was already pressed, the spindle will just keep moving downwards resulting in a broken tool). In order to prevent this, the M286 macro has been added in the more recent software versions. The macro checks whether the sensor is triggered before starting to bring down the probe tool, and if the sensor has indeed been triggered already, lifts the tool up in increments of 1 mm. This continues until the tool is no longer touching the sensor, after which the surface measure procedure continues as normal. The M286 macro is generated automatically and should not be edited unless necessary.

Tool Length Measure

Tool length measure macro allows the user to record the precise tool length.

The following settings are available:

Tool Change

The tool change config window allows the users to set up a macro for a tool change procedure.

The following settings are available:

Probing Wizard

The probing wizard deals with the probe setup process. To learn more about the probe setup, please consult the QuickStart Setting up the probe tool manual.

Probing Config

The probing config outlines the following settings:

Probing Macro Wizard

The probing macro wizard allows the user to generate the relevant probing macro for each particular shape and setup.

This wizard involves the macro header, the macro footer, the main() header for the automatically generated M288 macro, the necessary tool lift to safely move the probe over to the required location, and the available shapes for each of which a different macro can be generated (the macro names can be seen in the top line of each respective shape macro). These shapes allow to load in a macro preset for the particular case, and to easily edit the probing macros.

The save config button located in this window will save each individual macro that has been selected.

After clicking the Generate All Probing Macros and the Generate PLC probing procedure M288, the necessary popup windows for the probe sensor will also be generated automatically (popups 20, 21 and 22).

More information on using the probe can be found in the QuickStart Setting up the probe tool manual.







The Start/Stop settings specify the behaviour of the machine as the start/stop commands are sent to it.


Among other settings, this window allows to edit the back-to-path behaviour on mill machines through the On Start section.

Consult the QuickStart Start/Stop Setup for a full overview of the available features.

NOTE: Some plasma features (such as the tie toolpath to position button) require to have axes selected in the Toolpath Position checking field. Without the check marks for the axes that you would like the machine to check for, no action will be performed (on plasma machine, X and Y axes are recommended to be selected).

Shape Library Settings

The shape library settings allow the user to load in different modules designed for different machines and applications.

In order to prevent clutter in the Shape Library, only the necessary shapes can be selected to be displayed. The following subcategories are available, with the particular G-code start commands that are used for each particular setup listed in the title of each category:

The user can select/deselect the necessary packages.

NOTE: The shape library packages must be located in the lib folder. Trying to access the shape library from other folders, even with the correct filepath, can lead to issues with the Shape Library.


The screen settings allow the user to edit the appearance of myCNC software.

The following settings can be edited:


The colours config window allows the user to customize the visuals of the myCNC application. In this window, presets such as the dark grey and the dark blue themes can be preloaded, or customized completely from the ground up. When the user is satisfied with their particular theme, they can export it by using the Export Colors to File button.

The colors can be assigned via an HTML code (for example, #00ff00 for bright green). The color can be either selected via the built-in color picker, or via an HTML picker online such as this one.

Visualisation Colors

The visualisation color settings allow the user to specify the colors that will be used in the program visualization for each of the tools in the program code.

This allows the user to set each tool to an easily distinguishable color:

This section deals with the popup messages that the myCNC software presents to the user when an event requiring attention occurs.

The following settings are available:

For an example on popup messages, please consult the How to add mandatory Homing after Emergency Button and-or Servo ready alarm manual.

3D Visualization

3D Visualization deals with the visualization window on the main screen of the myCNC program. It allows to visualize the incoming G-code commands to easily present to the user the current layout and work tool position.

The following settings are available:

Below this, the Visualization setup window allows the user to edit visualization settings for each particular axis. The following settings are available:

Work offsets

The work offsets list specifies the offsets for each coordinate system (G54 to G59.3).

The home positions for G28 and G30 are also specified in this window, allowing the user to set a preferred home position. These offsets can be set for any axis (XYZABCUV), and are specified in mm.

NOTE: The G28/G30 home positions MUST be set correctly if G28/G30 codes are used in the control program. Failing to set them correctly will lead to the control program stopping at the G28/G30 line and not moving forward in the code as an internal error message will be presented to the program.

A video covering the basics of work offsets:

Parking coordinates

The parking coordinates specify the preset parking positions that are saved in the myCNC software for future use. The user can set up to ten parking positions for their convenience, by specifying the X, Y and Z coordinates. The current parking position and the current parking number is also kept in this window.

More info on adding the profile widget to profiles which do not have it displayed by default:


Plasma Cutting

Plasma Settings

The plasma settings screen allows the user to select the following:

Tube Cutting

Tube cutting is a feature on the X1366P profiles designed for S- and Y-tubes (such as the X1366PYT profile).

The following settings are available:

New tube cutting modes are currently in beta-testing (as of July 2020). S-tube (square tube) cutting will be added in addition to Y-tube cutting in future releases.

The options for switching between sheet and tube cutting are available in the top menu.

Hypertherm Communication

This page allows the operator to send test commands to the Hypertherm machine. The commands can be set to Remote, Hello, Wake, Sleep, Test the gas flow (preflow/cutflow channels), or a custom command.

The screen also allows the user to check the reply log from the Hypertherm machine to see if communication has been established/if any errors are present.

Hypertherm Diagnistics

The diagnostics window is useful to see any immediate errors or problems present with the plasma machine setup, either through monitoring pressures, historical usage statistics, or temperature data.

The diagnostics window is used if the Hypertherm interface was chosen for current control. The window allow to check the power supply status for things like PWM/choppers, the statistics for usage time and errors, the temperatures for the machine, the software revisions, gas types and pressures (auto or manual). The window also features a similar set of buttons to the Hypertherm Communication window to test the preflow and cutflow directly from the diagnostics panel (typically to find out the pressures for the plasma and shield gas flows).


The following settings are available in the gas/oxyfuel window:


The cutcharts settings window allows the user to edit the cutcharts window and the cutchart information which is often used in the plasma profiles.

The following settings are available:


This is part of the Torch Height Control Setup which is used on plasma machines. Please consult the THC article for more information.



  1. Spindle Speed, [rpm] - A minimum and maximum range of the spindle, a step value (current spindle speed will be increased/decreased by this value while pressing on-screen SpinBox Default Spindle Speed). Maximum spindle speed value is used to adjust 0-10V analog DAC output as well.
  2. Spindle Overspeed, [%] - A minimum/maximum range of Spindle Overspeed, a step value (current spindle overspeed will be increased/decreased by this value while pressing optional on-screen SpinBox Spindle Overspeed). Both “Default Spindle Speed” and “Spindle Overspeed” can be used to adjust spindle speed on-the-fly, however these are different parameters
    • Default Spindle Speed will be overwritten when the next M3 Sxxxx or Sxxxx code is run. For instance, if you change the spindle speed to 12000rpm, then when M3 S8000 appears G-code, spindle speed will be changed to 8000 rpm
    • If the Spindle Overspeed, [%] value is changed, it will be applied for next Sxxxx code as well. For instance, if the current spindle speed is 5000 rpm and you set the “Spindle overspeed” to 120%, spindle speed will be increased up to 6000rpm (5000rpm*120%/100%). Then when the M3S8000 code appears in the G-code program, the spindle speed will be raised up to 9600rpm (8000rpm*120%/100%)
  3. Encoder channel. If feedback encoder is installed on the Spindle for threading, it might be configured in this field. Control boards ET5 and ET10 have 6 encoder inputs (with a hardware decoder), ET7 has 3 encoder inputs (hardware decoding as well). Encoder channel # should be configured here.
  4. Encoder pulses per revolution. If Spindle Encoder feedback is used, the number of encoder pulses per spindle revolution should be set in this field.
  5. Voltage offset, units - see below
  6. Voltage ratio, units - these two parameters are used to adjust DAC output voltage.

    These parameters are active in case RS485/Modbus Communication is disabled

    There is a 12bit register that is used for the DAC output. In theory, while writing values from 0 to 4095, the DAC output voltage is changed from 0 to 10V. A real maximum DAC voltage depends on the control board and can be 11-12V. However, while most of Spindle frequency inverters use 0-10V, there are many models on the market that use different voltage range for spindle speed control such as 0-5V, 1-6V, 0-6V.

    If spindle speed changes (for example, through the PLC procedures such as M03, M04, SPN) the control software sends the spindle speed value to the PLC commands in the eparam variable. The value is adjusted by the software by using the parameters offset and ratio. Eparam variable value can be calculated as

    eparam = Offset + 4095*(Spindle Speed)*Ratio/(Max Spindle Speed)
    • If you don't need any adjustments, set the Offset to “0” and the Ratio to “1”.
    • If you use a spindle inverter with 0-5V range for instance, then you might need to set the Ratio to “0.5”
    • For spindle range 1-6V you might need to set the Offset as well. Minimum voltage is “1V”, then Offset should be about 10% (1V of 10V) of 12bit range (4095), the Offset value is about “410”.
      It's better to tune Offset and Ratio values by experimenting with the possible values with the real VFD unit connected to test for optimal results.
  7. RS485/Modbus communication. The checkbox enables communication with VFD through the RS485/Modbus instead of analog control. You can learn more about Modbus in the Modbus Setup manual.
  8. Spindle ratio (Modbus). If Modbus is enabled, the myCNC control software sends the RAW spindle speed value (in rpm) multiplied by Spindle ratio (Modbus) parameter value as an eparam variable to the PLC procedure .
    • For instance, if the Spindle speed is 10000rpm and the Speed ratio (modbus) is “1”, then the eparam value will be “10000” (exact spindle speed).
    • If the ratio variable is not enough to adjust Spindle speed register according to the VFD type requirements, this adjustment can be made in the PLC source.
  9. RS485 speed - RS485 communication baud rate selector
  10. Connection - RS485 connection configuration
    • 8 or 7 bits
    • No Parity, Odd or Even Parity
    • 1 or 2 stop bits
  11. Inverter Address - up to 4 VFD can be connected through Modbus to arrange 4-spindle automatic polling. It needs to select the checkbox and set up Modbus ID for each VFD to enable VFD automatical polling
  12. Write Registers. For automatical Modbus polling registers, there are usually 2 control registers for VFD.
    • Frequency (Spindle Speed) is changed by writing to “WR/Frequency” register
    • Spindle control ON/OFF by writing some value to “WR/Operate” register.
      Register addresses should be specified in these parameters
  13. Read Registers. VFD might have some status/diagnostic registers to read. The values may contain useful information such as the current power, current speed, temperature, errors, current status etc. You may select some register to perform automatic readings and to show the value in this window.
  14. “Write registers” and “Read registers” are different for different VFD manufacturers. We have pre-defined register addresses for the VFD inverters we tested. To set up register addresses, simply press the button with your particular VFD type.

For example, for a Delta EL connection via Modbus, the Read registers will look the following way:

The “Read registers” values specified for read access are copied to variables # 8310 … # 8315. The values ​​of ordinary registers can be displayed on the screen using standard methods (LEDs, digital values, graphic elements such as thermometers, etc.).

Access to these variables is also available from the PLC, so you can implement some additional features, such as movement when when a set speed is reached (as opposed to movement by timeout), monitoring spindle rotation during operation, overheating errors, etc.


The tools page allows to outline the specifications of existing tools such as their length, diameter and offset.

The following settings are available:

ATC Pots

CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT. This feature is designed for machines with long automated runs.

The following settings are available:


The following settings are available for lathe machines:

Multi Head

Multi Head allows for multiple tool sets. Similar to the Tools window, in that it allows for tool offsets in X and Y axes. Overall, the following settings are available:

Laser Control

Allows for fine laser control at different speeds. This allows to prevent overheating when approaching corners, etc.

The following settings are available:

Tangential Knife

The full manual for the knife setup and the knife behaviour can be found at the QuickStart page for Tangential Knife Setup

The following settings are available:

Special Purpose

Flatbed correction

Flatbed correction allows the user to take into account an uneven working table. This is done by first measuring the table and then using the values to correct for what would otherwise be discrepancies in the z-axis.

By adding these correction points, myCNC software will use triangulation in order to create a complete updated map of the working table. From here on, whenever Flatbed Correction is enabled, the machine will automatically adjust the z-axis height of the working tool in order to adjust for the table level changes depending on where in the XY-plane the machine is currently located.

Height map

The height map window specifies the axes to log, the log header, the format string, and the file name for the map.

The height map is typically utilized for the per-job height probing described in the 3D Height Mapping manual. It is necessary to change the filepath to include the correct username for the machine (for example, /home/USERNAME/ as opposed to the default username specified in myCNC software (sk/mycnc/etc).

The height map file will be then saved as file with an array of XYZ points stored in it to create a height map of the working surface through triangulation.

3D Printer

The 3D printer Config window monitors the two thermal sensors which measure ADC signals and convert them into temperature values in degrees. This is necessary as there is no direct way to display the ADC outputs in a meaningful way without first converting.

Related to the 3D printing setup, the Axes/Motors Config window allows to set a motor for axis E (extrusion), which controls the rate at which the working material is being extruded, or the X+Y, X-Y motor axes. These are designed for 3D printer configurations where two motors are connected to the same working belt, which is then used to move the machine. The motors attached can therefore be used for both axes, depending on which combination of motor movements is used.


The multi-device window allows the user to set up master/slave relationships between controllers, with one master and multiple slave devices.

This is done by using their IP addresses and specifying there PLC procedures in the PLC Rom setting (available upon request). The Inputs window allows to use the input ports of the slave controllers as alarms or triggers. This is similar to the Inputs/Outputs/Sensors > I/O Expand cards mapping window, as it allows to use ports from other devices if the main (master) device needs to have its ports expanded. The Multi-Device window however allows for a much more extensive and complex setup, and should be used on machines which would otherwise be limited by the simpler I/O Expansion process.

The Test and PID config tabs are special purpose only, and should not be used by regular users.


MaxLaser allows for laser etching/marking to be used in conjunction with plasma cutting, typically to be able to easily identify the parts that are being cut by recording their number, etc.

The following settings are available:

The user is able to print sample text by using the Print Text buttons and inputting sample text into the Test Line field.

An example of the MaxLaser technology being used by one of myCNC's customers (used in conjunction with a plasma cutting process in order to easily identify individual parts):

Circular Saw

Special user case settings for a saw machine setup. Information available upon request, as the setup has been fine-tuned to a specific machine and may need extensive alteration for new customers.


This settings window allows for PID control by using PWM and ADC ports to create a PID control loop.

For example, PID control is used in the 3D printing setup for temperature sensor control. This window allows to edit the following values:

A manual on using PWM PIDs in order to control an Automatic Gas Console is available on this page.

Modbus servo

Deprecated settings window, not used in the recent software versions. Has been replaced by full Modbus setups, information on which can be found in the Modbus Setup manual.

Exhaust/Extraction control

Exhaust control is done to allow for exhaust pipes on the machine to open depending on where the working tool currently is.

The following settings are available:


The camera system allows to correct an imported DXF file if the working material has been stretched/compressed/rotated by using reference markers (also known as registration markers, or fiducial markers) that have been calibrated using myCNC software.

For a full overview of CNC Vision Camera setup, please consult the QuickStart CNC Vision manual.

5 axes RTCP

This setting allows to set up the rotational tool center pointer for bevel cutting on 4/5 axes machines.

RTCP allows to compensate for a rotation of the working tool (that would otherwise lift up due to moving from a 90 degree position to a 60 degree position, for example). The following settings are available:

NOTE: RTCP should only be enabled after homing procedures have been completed and the working tool is solidly in the 90 degree position (vertical).

NOTE #2: RTCP can be used by both 5-axes setups and for the 4-axes setups where the software assumes one axis to be equal to 0.


Wireless Pendant/XHC

The full manual can be found at the Wireless Pendants page, including the list of all possible commands/actions that are used in the Wireless Pendant, Operator Panel, and other config dialogs.

Operator Panel

The operator panel is similar to the wireless pendant in that it allows to set up a separate input mechanism from the traditional screen/keyboard. It allows to set up a connection between the pressed keys and actions which are listed in the Wireless Pendants manual.


Allows the user to take control of the machine through a joystick/gamepad controller.

After connecting a gamepad to the host computer, the following options are available:

Another option for joystick control can be found in the Jog through ADC inputs section of myCNC settings.


The Hotkeys settings window describes the possible hotkeys which are present in the software. These keys allow the user to control the machine directly from the keyboard, by using some commands which the user can assign to different actions.

By default, the Shift and Control key are used to set different values of the Jog Overspeed %, allowing the user to quickly control jog speed with a single press. These can be set to be at different percentages (10 and 100 by default, with an allowable range of 5 to 150).

The hotkeys for moving the axes are also set in this dialog window by assigning each particular axis direction to the arrow keys.

A list of default hotkeys is provided in the table below:

Hotkey Action
Arrow up Move tool (default is Y+, direction can be reassigned)
Arrow down Move tool (default is Y-)
Arrow left Move tool (default is X-)
Arrow right Move tool (default is X+)
PgUp Move tool (default is Z+)
PgDn Move tool (default is Z-)
1 Zoom out
2 Move visualization up
3 Zoom in
4 Move visualization right
5 Fit to screen
6 Move visualization left
8 Move visualization down
R Back to working point
T Run program (cut from edge)
A Reload program
S Stop program
G Run program
Ctrl + X Restart GUI
Ctrl + Z Save current profile to archive
Ctrl + N Next line
Ctrl + P Previous line

Additionally, nearly any unassigned key can be assigned to have an action associated with the keypress, similar to the pendant setup described in the Wireless Pendants manual. These keys allow the user to effectively employ the keyboard as a wireless pendant, controlling machine movements and running PLC procedures/actions, changing global variable values, and more. This is done by selecting:

NOTE: For things such as jog, it is often required to use both the “pressed” and the “released” commands for the hotkeys/hardkeys within the myCNC software:

NOTE: Your system keyboard shortcuts can override the myCNC program shortcuts. For usability purposes, it is recommended to disable unnecessary shortcuts in your system to not conflict with the myCNC application. There can be found in your OS settings. For example, Ubuntu MATE shortcuts can be found by searching for the Keyboard Shortcuts setting in the Main Menu:


Hardkeys allow the user to connect a button or a key directly to the myCNC controller which will then cause a certain event when pressed/released.

The following settings are available:

A tutorial video on setting up a set of hardkeys for machine jog (movement) is available here:

NOTE: For things such as jog, it is often required to use both the “pressed” and the “released” commands for the hardkeys/hotkeys within the myCNC software:


Common Hardware Settings


The Encoders config window allows the user to fine-tune encoder settings. This window is typically not useful for simple tasks (such as using a rotary encoder to control overspeed, etc), as it allows for further finetuning of the encoder values.

The following settings are available:

More information on encoders is available in the Rotary encoder connection and setup manual which goes through some connection examples. Additional information on using the ET10 encoder inputs with an MPG wheel is avaialble in the MPG through binary inputs manual.

Analog Closed Loop

This allows to create an analog closed loop system with PID controls. More information on PID control and closed loop configurations is available in the MyCNC closed loop configuration manual.

The following settings are available:

Such a system can have its Mul/Div ratio set to be at 1, as it is not required to bring it in line with the Axes/Motors pulse/unit values.

Pulse-Dir Closed Loop

This window allows for fine-tuning of PID control for pulse-dir closed loops. More information on the PID control is available in the Encoder/Analog Closed Loop sections above, as well as in the MyCNC closed loop configuration manual.

In this case, it is necessary to set a proper ratio using the Mul/Dir coefficients from the Encoder window. The following settings are available:

Overall, the setup for this window is similar to the Analog Closed Loop setup earlier.


Deprecated settings window for the ET2/ET4 control boards.

Host Modbus

This is part of the Modbus device setup, and is part of a longer manual series which can be found here: Modbus Setup.

This section deals with Modbus communication with the host computer (the description of the setup can be found in this manual: Host Modbus API).

The following settings are available in the Host Modbus config settings window:



This window lists all the relevant profile xml files which define how the screen, settings, etc are laid out. These files should not be edited unless strictly necessary, as it they define the entire screen layout, the current settings config, the tools, and more.


The debug window allows the user to create a debug log file. Typically not useful for end users, mostly for technical support and repair engineers.

UI Settings

The UI settings allow the user to edit their on-screen UI.