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Dental Mill
The myCNC software features a number of options that make it convenient in dental mill setup usage.
A prime example is the usage of ATC Pots (NOTE: This is an experimental feature that is currently in beta). These allow for the user to set up machines with long automated runs, with features such as Work Time/Max Work Time, different pots assigned to specific tip profiles and working materials, etc. This functionality is also described in the following manual: MyCNC Configuration Dialogs - ATC Pots.
An example of a simple on-screen visualization for the tool time could then look something like this:
<gitem where="xp" name="testpotswg" position="80;80" width="500" height="300" bgColor="##b-main" type="myitems"></gitem> <gitem where="testpotswg" name="1toolview1" type="tool1view" position="5;5" width="400" height="35" bgColor="##b-main" border-color="white" border-width="2" border-radius="3" pot="1" tnumber="5;5;25;25;19" ttime="140;5;200;25;10" tselection="#ea9a00;#936B1E" />
This sample UI element would then look the following way:
A more complex UI tool1view element may look the following way:
<gitem where="toolsview" name="1toolview13" type="tool1view" position="450;170" width="68" height="44" border-color="#3d3c3c" border-width="1" border-radius="0" pot="13" fontFamily="Roboto" fontStyle="bold" tnumber="6;5;25;16;19" tmaterial="35;8;30;12;10" ttip="12;30;20;10;10" tdiameter="40;30;20;10;10" tprogress="1;22;66;8" tselection="#ea9a00;#936B1E" />
In the example above, the following atributes are used:
- tnumber for Tool #
- tmaterial for Tool Material (from ATC Pots)
- ttip for the Tip Profile
- tdiameter for the tool's diameter
- tprogress for a visual indication of the tool usage progress (using the Tool Working Time and Max Working Time)
To find out more about screen editing, please consult the following manual: Screen Editing and Configuration
Relevant global variables
The following global variables are useful for a dental mill (due to their functionality being tied to the ATC pots):
Global variable name | Number | Comment |
GVAR_TOOLPOT_01_TIME | 6120 | Current work time, in s, for tool pot 1 |
GVAR_TOOLHOLDER_01_POSITION | 6121 | +6. Tool pot 01 X position |
6122 | +6. Tool holder 01 Y position | |
6123 | +6. Tool holder 01 Z position |
This is repeated every 10 digits - for instance, the X position for each subsquent pot is defined as:
Global variable name | Number | Comment |
Similarly, the work time for tool pot 39, for example, is defined by
Currently, 40 pots are reserved, with ten global variables for each pot.