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Drilling Cycles for myCNC

Below is a sample block of code utilizing the myCNC drilling cycle:

G90 G21 G54.
G0 X50. Y50. Z3.
G0 Z10.
M3 S800
G98 G83 X0 Z-9. R1. Q1 P0.  F500 L1000
G98 G83 X10 Z-9. R1. Q3 J0.5 K1 P0. F500. L1000
G98 G73 X20 Z-9. R1. Q3 J0.5 K1 P0. F500. L1000
G98 G81 X30 Z-9. R1. Q3 J0.5 K1 P0. F500. L1000
G99 X40.

The nomenclature functions in the following manner:

Code Meaning
G83 Drilling cycle command
G98 Raise to starting height at the end of cycle
G99 Raise to height R at the end of cycle
R Position of the R height
F Drill speed
L Lift speed
Z Total drill depth
P Pause (in seconds)
Q Initial cut depth
J Distance to incrementally reduce drill depth by on each pass
K Minimum drill depth per pass

The two major differences for the drilling cycle are the G-codes G98 (raise back to starting height at the end of the cycle) and G99 (raise back to height R at the end of the cycle).

G98 G83

An illustration of the command utilizing the G98 G83 block:


  1. The drill is located at Starting Height
  2. Move to Height R
  3. Begin cutting, lowering itself by initial cut depth, Q
  4. Rise back to Height R
  5. Cut additional material, distance from R is (Q + (Q-J)), where J is the incremental distance which is reduced each pass
  6. Rise back to Height R
  7. Cut additional material, distance from R is (Q + (Q-J*[number of current pass])). Repeat until the (Q-J*[number of current pass]) distance is equal to K, which is the minimum drill depth per pass.
  8. Repeat drilling procedure lowering the drill by distance K every pass, until Total Depth Z is reached.
  9. Raise drill to initial Starting Height to finish the drilling cycle

G99 G83

An illustration of the command utilizing the G98 G83 block:


  1. The drill is located at Starting Height
  2. Move to Height R
  3. Begin cutting, lowering itself by initial cut depth, Q
  4. Rise back to Height R
  5. Cut additional material, distance from R is (Q + (Q-J)), where J is the incremental distance which is reduced each pass
  6. Rise back to Height R
  7. Cut additional material, distance from R is (Q + (Q-J*[number of current pass])). Repeat until the (Q-J*[number of current pass]) distance is equal to K, which is the minimum drill depth per pass.
  8. Repeat drilling procedure lowering the drill by distance K every pass, until Total Depth Z is reached.
  9. Raise drill to height R to finish the drilling cycle


A cycle for drilling in one pass (immediately going down to the Total Depth Z). G98/G99 and drill/lift speeds also apply.


G73 - cycle with chip breaking. Similar to G83, but G73 differs in that it pulls the tool out not to the very end, but by a fixed (typically a very small, such as 0.5 mm) distance called Clearance Distance. G98/G99 and drill/lift speeds also apply.

G98 option:

G99 option:


G82 is the standard drilling cycle with a dwell of time P at the bottom of the hole.

G98 option:

G99 option:


G85 boring cycle is similar to G82, minus the dwell time at the bottom of the hole.

G98 option:

G99 option:


The G86 cycle is similar to the G82/G85 cycles, with a regular boring cycle down to Total Depth Z and a spindle stop at the bottom of the hole.

G98 option:

G99 option:

mycnc/drilling_cycle.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/04 15:30 by ivan

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