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3D Height Mapping

NOTE: Height mapping is currently in alpha testing.

Height mapping allows to correct the G-code program for abnormalities and slight surface variations of the working material by mapping out the height map of the working material prior to beginning the cutting job. This function is extremely useful when dealing with a working surface which might be oriented imperfectly or may have some abnormalities to it, as well as programs which require a high degree of precision.

The function is currently being tested for the X1366M, X1366M4 and X1366M6 profiles. In order to perform the height mapping procedure, do the following:

  • Open the file that you will want to correct for the material variations

  • After opening the file, head to the Map tab on the main screen of myCNC software

  • Select your Segment Length, your XY Grid, and Probe Speeds

  • Select whether you want the material to be probed in a Rectangular or a Fill Area pattern. Generally, either of these methods will give similar results:

  • Press the Generate Map button. Note that in order for the map to position itself properly, the X and Y program coordinates must be at zero prior to the map generation step.

  • Press the Run button (this begins the probing process)

  • After the probing program has completed running, press the Apply Map button. The original G-code file that you have loaded in should now be corrected.

  • After the file has been corrected for surface level imperfections, you can press the Run button to begin the actual job.

Relevant macros

The height mapping procedure is done mostly through the M180 macro (Settings > Config > Macro List). The macro currently looks like this (2019-04-07):

#10=15 (Sensor Nr)
#11=1 (Sensor Normally opened)

M88 P#10 L#11 (Smooth stop if sensor activated)
G91 G0 Z-30 F#8253 (Fast surf)
G04 P0.1
G91 G0 Z2 F500(Rebound 2mm)
M89 P#10 L#11 (Stop if sensor activated)
G91 G0 Z-30 F#8254 (Slow surf)
G04 P0.1 (Pause)
M85 (saving the coordinates in log)

Note that the first two lines describe your probe port number and the typical state of the sensor (normally open or normally closed). The movement is currently set to 30 mm on fast speed and 30 mm on slow speed. The fast and slow movement speeds are stored in global variable #8253 and #8254 respectively.

The M85 macro (Settings > Config > PLC > Hardware PLC) that is called on at the end of the program simply saves the coordinates to a log array through the following procedure:



2019-10-07: Save and Open Map buttons are now operational (some stability issues). The generated map point spread is now shown within the software.

2019-10-04: The Save and Open Map buttons do not work yet. These will allow the user to save the created map and to load a previous map to apply to the G-code file.

mycnc/height_mapping.1570455198.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/07 09:33 by ivan

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