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Common Item List

The commonly used items are typically those present on the main screen of myCNC software, or within the User Settings. By using these items via the Connection settings window (described in the MyCNC Configuration Dialogs manual), the user can make changes to the existing parameters and on-screen elements on-the-fly through the use of an outside input (such as a potentiometer, an encoder, etc). Items are typically the variables that are directly changed by the user (for a wider variety of configurations the Global Variables should be used instead). Below is a list of such commonly-used items with their descriptions:

Item Description
motion-overspeed Controls the feed rate overspeed from the main screen of myCNC software (can also set motion-overspeed-inc or motion-overspeed-dec to incrementally increase/decrease the value
jog-overspeed Controls the jog overspeed (can also set jog-overspeed-inc and jog-overspeed-dec to incrementally increase/decrease the value
spindle-speed Controls the spindle rotation speed, in rpm
motion-feed-speed-xy Displays the XY feed rate in mm/min
motion-feed-speed-z Displays the Z feed rate in mm/min
motion-feed-speed-abc Displays the C feed rate in degrees/second
motion-rapid-speed-xy Rapid XY speed in mm/min
motion-rapid-speed-z Rapid Z speed in mm/min
motion-rapid-speed-abc Rapid C speed in degrees/second
motion-jog-speed-xy XY jog speed in mm/min
motion-jog-speed-z Z jog speed in mm/min
motion-jog-speed-abc C jog speed in degrees/second
motion-acceleration-xy Acceleration for the XY plane
motion-acceleration-z Acceleration for the Z axis
motion-acceleration-abc Acceleration for the C axis
plc-var-spindle-on-delay Spindle ON delay, in seconds. Done through PLC
plc-var-spindle-off-delay Spindle OFF delay, in seconds
plc-var-lift-speed Sets the lift speed of the spindle, in mm/min
motion-creep-speed-percentage Motion creep speed (THC), in percent of default value
motion-creep-speed-time Motion creep time, in seconds
cutting-time-pre-off Cutting time for pre-off, in seconds
plc-var-drill-probe-speed Probe speed, in mm/min
plc-var-drill-speed Drill speed, in mm/min
plc-var-drill-lift-height Drill lift height, in mm
tool-diameter-1 Tool diameter / Kerf, in mm
plc-var-ihc-ignition-height Ignition Height (THC)
plc-var-ihc-correction-height Correction height for initial height control
plc-var-ihc-pierce-height Pierce height (THC)
plc-var-ihc-pierce-time Pierce time, in seconds (THC)
thc-turn-on-delay THC Start delay, in seconds
plc-var-ihc-cutting-height Cutting height for initial height control
thc-time-pre-off Pre-off time for THC, in seconds
job-time-elapsed Elapsed job time. Used for the program progress window
job-time-estimated Estimated job time. Used for the program progress window.
plc-var-thc-enabled A toggle item, indicating whether the THC is enabled or not
plc-var-ihc-enabled A toggle item, indicating whether the IHC is enabled
plc-var-thc-avc-start A switch item, denoting the possible arc voltage control and whether or not there is a THC start delay

These items, along with others (such as items for displaying the homing status of the machine, etc), can be used by inputting their names into the respective fields in the Connections settings tab.

A fair number of newer items are currently displayed as item:cnc-gvariable-NUMBER, such as item:cnc-gvariable-7595 for the Alarm THC Voltage Rise. These act similarly to the classic Items, by storing a certain value which can then be edited through some input. The global variables these items refer to can be found in the Global Variables list.

mycnc/item_list.1567182206.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/30 12:23 by ivan

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