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Change IP address of Single Board Computer (SBC)

We provide single board computers (Odroid-C2, Raspberry Pi2/3, NanoPi K2) based on Ubuntu Linux with MATE Desktop environment.

Notice: Network settings in Linux attached to MAC address of Network controller (wired or wireless). 
You may need to re-setup Network settings in case you insert new Wifi dongle (new MAC address) or 
update SD card image from our FTP (Network configured for tor MAC addresses of computer we prepared 
the image.

There are many ways to change IP address of computer board. Linux users can do it easily without our how-to. For those who need it:

  1. Hide or Close Full screen windows to open Desktop screen
  2. Find Network Icon in top Taskbar
  3. Press Right Mouse button on the icon, select “Edit Connections” menu and click on it
  4. Network Connections setup window will be opened. Select Ethernet Connection you have in the list, press “Delete” button, confirm “Delete”.
  5. Goto again to Network Icon in top Taskbar, press right mouse button and select “Auto Ethernet”
  6. “Auto Ethernet” Connection will appear in “Network Connections” setup Window. Click on it and press “Edit” button
  7. “Editing Auto Ethernet” window will appear. Select “IPv4 Settings” Tab
  8. Select Method: Manual
  9. Address:
  10. Netmask:
  11. Gateway:
  12. Press Save button
  13. Close Network Settings windows, reboot Computer
  14. After Reboot goto Network Icon in top Taskbar, press Left Mouse button on it, select Connection information
  15. Connection Information window will be opened. Check “Auto Ethernet” Tab is present and you have IPv4 address (or address you setup in the settings)
mycnc/change_ip_address_of_single_board_computer_sbc.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/12 10:14 by skirillov

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