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No Connection between myCNC controller and Armbrian Linux

1. Check LAN (wired network) is configured on the Host.

Click right button on a network icon on the top panel and select “Connection information” in a popup menu.

  • Check if there is “eth0” tab in “Connection Information” dialog.
  • Check what IP addresses are configured for LAN. IP addresses by default are:

IP Address:

2. Check if WiFi network is configured and does not conflict with the LAN

  • Click on the next tab (which can be your WiFi Access Point name)
  • Check what IP addresses are configured for Wifi. IP addresses should be fixed if WiFi and LAN networks are on the same subnet (for example LAN is and Wifi is

3. Check myCNC control board connection by Pinging the board.

Open Terminal window

myCNC controller default IP address is usually or to ping the board. Type command


and check the result. Check another address in case no connection.

Change myCNC controller IP address if no connection. Connect myCNC controller to the Host by USB cable and run Minicom software

sudo   minicom   -D  /dev/ttyUSB0

In the minicom software run command to change IP address

#SLA  192  168  4  78

and check the reply


Exit from Minicom (CTRL-A Q), repeat the pinging step to ping the board

3. Check myCNC software Network settings.

myCNC control board IP adderess should be set in the myCNC software.

Go to Settings > Config > Network window and enter the Controller IP Address to be the IP address assigned for your myCNC controller.

troubleshooting/no_connection/armbrian.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/25 12:00 by ivan

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